Is it not crazy how society has conditioned our minds into believing that the ultimate achievement for a lady is marriage?

After school (i.e 1st degree or its equivalent) the next thing on an average lady's mind is finding a husband, settling down and "starting a life".  They believe the higher they climb the academic or professional ladder, the lesser their prospect of finding a man.  Because according to some people "no man wants an over-educated wife". [never knew such a thing as OVER-EDUCATION existed ].
At a point they become desperate and rush into relationships and marriages, thereby cutting short their prospects.

The more value you add to yourself the more value you attract. Cheap lower quality goods attract more customer. But those customers are just as cheap as the products.

Society has succeeded in narrowing our minds in this direction. That is why parents, especially mothers, spend all the time preparing their female children for marriage. They concentrate so much energy on this that they forget to prepare male children who would marry them.

Only cowardly men are afraid of learned women.
There is more to live than marriage. You are wired for something much more higher, do not settle for anything less. Add value to yourself.


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