By Lesley Chimezie Nwankwo. Time is in a constant (perpetual) forward motion. Consequently, everything under the influence of time must adapt and move along with it or get left behind, becomes obsolete and forgotten. It is on this premise that I have come to believe that it is impossible for anyone or anything to be stagnated or remain in a particular state for too long. If you find yourself running or moving "in a circle", there is a very big chance that you are actually moving in a downward spiral. You are either moving forward or you're moving backwards. There is a very limited opening for middle ground. This is because life moves at a consistently fast pace. One needs to equally be in a consistent forward motion in order to keep up. The only time you are permitted to stay at one position for a while is when you are consolidating on a win or establishing yourself in a newly conquered territory. After that time, IT IS IMPORTANT TO MOVE ON. Or you risk being stuck, froze...