Most Depressed People Prefer Not To Talk To Anyone About It. Why?

The issue of depression in the society is no longer news. At least everyone of us has had our moments of depression at least once in our lives. 

A lot of people have gone as far as taking their own lives because of depression. This is evident in the raising cases of suicide in the society today.
When this happens, the common statements by many people is "why didn't he/she talk to someone about it?"

What I have discovered is that many people prefer not to talk about their problems.

Maybe because they do not trust people around them. Some people only want to hear their problems not because they can help (or are even willing to help), they just want to get the gist.

Maybe it's because no one can fully understand exactly what's going on, so even when they talk to someone, they only share bits and pieces (depending on what they want the person to know).

Sometimes it is simply because people easily get tired of hearing one's problems over and over. The same people who enthusiastically tell you; "You can talk to me about anything", "I am here for you", etc, are the same ones who will say "my dear, every has his/her own problems. Even me I'm going through the same thing".

When they complain about their problems too many times, people get tired of listening and begin to avoid them.

For others I have observed that some people prefer to keep their problems close to their chests and walk through them alone just so that they can have the sole bragging rights which they will turn to motivational speeches for others.

These are just my observations. I'm sure different people have different reasons for dealing with crises they ways they do.

Whatever be the case, the most important thing is for us to be able to get out of any depressing situation as quickly as possible and not allow them drag us down.

Feel free to share your experience.

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