No competition in destiny.

On 22nd of August 2015 Ghirmay GHEBRESLASSIE of Eritrea won the Men's Marathon trophy at the 15 th IAAF World Championship after running for 2hours 11minutes 28seconds.

The next day,  23rd August 2015, Usain Bolt of Jamaica became world's 100metres champion after running for just 9.79 seconds.

They both are world champions even though they achieved it at different speeds and times.

Moral: Every man has his race to run, don't lose focus of your own trying to catch up with others.  There is no competition in destiny.

"Your life is too precious to be wasted trying to get what other people have"-Dr. Sam Amaga.

What would happen if  Ghirmay tried to run at same speed with Bolt?  He would run out of steam before he completes two laps.  What if Bolt chose to run at Ghirmay's speed? He won't leave his mark before the race ends.

Understand your race,  know your strength and weakness. Run your own race with determination.  Don't try to impress or please anyone else. Believe in God and believe in your abilities.



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