Game of Hearts. Episode 1: A Man On Mission.

He was a man on a mission!

When he entered a place, heads turned and hearts swooned. He was all out to conquer and break records.
''you look beautiful''
Blushing and feeling special to be spoken to by a very social guy, she quickly responded:
''thank you, you're not looking bad yourself''.
''can I have your digits?'' he asked.

She responded in the affirmative and called out her phone number.
On and on went the conversation.

 They parted ways smiling, each having a different agenda in mind.
However, two weeks later, the story was different! One person's smile had changed to frowns of hatred and resentment at the sight of the other! The other had a wink constantly plastered on the face- that of victory! He had just conquered a mountain and was moving on to try to conquer another! He no longer had a need for an old pair of flip flops. He was done. Her calls were now disturbances to him. He bragged to his friends how many times he had had unrestricted access to a hitherto restricted area! They now saw her as an object of satisfaction!

She felt used and all she could think about were  all the red flags she had seen but ignored. He was a playboy to the core-that was no hidden fact,  but the thought of being associated with a popular guy made her go ahead and dream that he loved her as he claimed to. She felt jealous and angry that he was now moving about with another girl-another classy one!
In a space of two months, he could boast of at least ten feathers on his unpopular 'red cap'. Getting into a lady's pant was to him an accomplishment. And he had accomplished so much within a short period of time. Sometimes he wondered how some ladies could be so foolish as to fall cheaply to his lies.

The most interesting part was that there was that special girl there somewhere he had in mind and wouldn't want to touch neither would he permit any guy to dare get close to. That was wife-material (full one hundred yards)! But now the question is: will he stop 'playboying'when he eventually settles down with that special one?



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