INSOMNIA : Symptoms, Causes and Solutions.

Finding it difficult to sleep especially at night?
What could be responsible and what can be done?

Insomnia refers to a sleeping disorder that has some peculiar symptoms and signs of unrest and majorly the inability to sleep. The inability to sleep poses a major threat to an individual’s health.

If one does not sleep well at night, then one will be inactive throughout the day and one can also experience the feeling of extreme tiredness.
There are other conditions that may associate themselves with insomnia which is one of the main reasons not to leave this condition unchecked.

Insomnia can affect anybody regardless of the age. When sleeping disorders occur, it is necessary to treat it as a matter of urgency.
If one is suffering from insomnia, it will be difficult to concentrate and remain active during the day, because this condition has a great effect on the mental or sensory organs of a human being.

The causes of insomnia include;
Stress and anxiety.
Age can also be a cause. When people get older, they tend to experience certain changes or disorders in their sleep pattern.
Other causes of sleeping disorders.
  • Physical activities, especially when they are excessive can also lead to this condition.
  • Traumatic experiences and mental disorders.
  • Eating too late at night.
  • Poor sleeping habits can also lead to it.
  • Work schedule is also a cause.
  • The consumption of caffeine, coffee, nicotine, and alcohol.
Symptoms of insomnia include the following’
1. A great difficulty in falling asleep, especially at nights.
2. Constant or incessant waking up during the hours of the night is also a symptom.
3. Depression can also be a sign.
4. Being inactive during the day or experiencing extreme tiredness during the day.
5. Inability to concentrate or pay attention to things during the day.
6. Daytime sleepiness and tiredness.

Simple ways to reduce insomnia. 
* Sleep in a dark, quiet and comfortable room.
* Limit intake of caffeine and coffee.
* Maintain strict sleeping schedule.
* Do not take work home.
* Take a warm bath 2 or 3 hours before bed.


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